Mary Joosten Lopata, RN, MA, is a lifelong independent investigator and experiencer of the spirit/mind/body connection as it relates to healing and wellness. Her education in both metaphysics and science has made her simultaneously a believer and an open-minded skeptic. Consequently, she personally applies to her own life both conventional and alternative and complementary healing techniques she has learned about and shares those
that work for her, acknowledging that hers are not the only paths to an individual’s optimal health.
Besides being a Holistic Registered Nurse/Health Coach for over three decades, Mary is certified as a hypnotherapist and a Reiki Master, and is a member of the American Holistic Nursing Association. She has taught and given health presentations in a variety of settings.
She is twice-widowed and resides in Southern California, where she is a hospice volunteer. Her intention is to empower people to rediscover the healer within and integrate that innate knowledge into daily practice, so that healing can take place in spite of dysfunction in the healthcare system.
Her book The Art of Radical Self-Love is soon to be released on Amazon.
that work for her, acknowledging that hers are not the only paths to an individual’s optimal health.
Besides being a Holistic Registered Nurse/Health Coach for over three decades, Mary is certified as a hypnotherapist and a Reiki Master, and is a member of the American Holistic Nursing Association. She has taught and given health presentations in a variety of settings.
She is twice-widowed and resides in Southern California, where she is a hospice volunteer. Her intention is to empower people to rediscover the healer within and integrate that innate knowledge into daily practice, so that healing can take place in spite of dysfunction in the healthcare system.
Her book The Art of Radical Self-Love is soon to be released on Amazon.